Come in and shop our phenomenal finds.
Stop in and see us today.
10:00 - 3:00 Monday thru Saturday
Thank you for your support.
Making lives better-one animal at a time.

Food Pantry including Prescription Foods
We are a 501c3 non-profit
We take a forward stance within our community to be leaders and participants in creating animal outreach programs. Finding solutions for animals and owners in need of medical assistance, medicine, or prescription food- is our top priority.
Our Thrift Store will fund these efforts along with providing a fun space for people to shop and share their pet stories, pictures or pet needs.
Our goal is to build a community of professionals, workers, volunteers, and donors. We are focused on maintaining companion animals in their homes. We promote positive adoption outcomes for all our precious little friends.
We are investing in partnerships with local veterinarians to provide vaccinations, checkups, spaying, neutering, and other pet ownership items at reduced rates.
Our goal is to see Florida become a no kill state.
Thank you to our generous donors...Kim, Nellaine, John and Stephanie, Judy, Sandy and Mike, Kathy Keating-Iola, Leah Martin, David, Arlene and Judy, Laura, Amy and everyone who donates items daily. We appreciate you and your support.
Contact 2B KIND